Quick Short Stop

I heard about Google Pages and I decided to try it. I did. That experiment is the parent of this blog. Welcome to Quick Short Stop. It's the place where you can inspire and be inspired. I'd like to hear from you, please leave a comment!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

My Place To Be

Where you should be too

My place to be is in my mind, my body and my spirit. Each has special characteristics. My mind is the world of logic, exciting enigma and puzzling challenge. It's about retrieving a fact and comparing facts. It's about using a precise method to chart a journey and follow a path.

My body is the realm of a sensation, beautiful, great sensation. It's the world of a tickle and a hitch. It's the rush a taste bud gets when a spicy piece of food interact with it. It's a game of touch and interaction. It's more than just a caress on my skin but also my muscle and my nerve inside.

My spirit is the territory of magic and a miracle. It's the space where spirits meet to form common mind and create. It's the home of the deepest silence and the loudest noise, the stage of the brightest day and the darkest night, all at the same time.

Join me here, in the spirit. We'll connect and create each other. Join me here in the body. We'll reach and touch each other. Join me here, in the mind. We'll exchange ideas and challenge each other. All three, it’s my place.


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